In the previous video ( • Java Programming: Lesson 7 - Casting ... ), we got really familiar with implicit and explicit casting between ints, doubles, and Strings, being comfortable converting between them. In this video, we introduce a new data type called a boolean, which can hold a true or false value. Those are the only two valid values.
Boolean expressions are "ideas", statements that are either true or false. When we evaluate them, either true or false is printed on the console.
0:20 NEW: Intro to Boolean Expressions
1:17 NEW: Working with Boolean Expressions
5:30 NEW: Negating a Boolean Expression with !
7:45 NEW: Combining Boolean Expressions with && and ||
An equivalent Python lesson regarding boolean expressions is available here: • Python Programming: Lesson 6 - In-Pla...
Ready to combine your understanding of variables with your understanding of booleans? Proceed onward to boolean variables when ready: • Java Programming: Lesson 9 - Boolean ...
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