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Spiral Abyss Floor 12 - 9 stars - April 2022 - Genshin Impact 2.6
9 star run
Kazuha national on 1st half
Morgana on 2nd half
OP teams just work everywhere I guess, this Abyss isn't the best for MORGANA but it still works lol
**12-1 first half, recommended but NOT needed a dedicated crowd control character, since the second half is so easy, you are allowed to take about 2 minutes to deal with the first half
**12-2 first half, crowd control characters are suggested but not required, you can easily manipulate the Whopperflowers to group up together, second half, make sure to group them up together before they enter shield mode, having an anemo character will make dealing with their shields very easy if they're grouped up well since you can swirl their shields onto each other
**12-3 first half, use Venti or Kazuha (if you have them) to make it braindead easy, otherwise, use characters that have good knockback; second half, I suggest using a freeze team and multiple cryo characters to deal with their shields afterwards
Good luck in this Abyss guys. This rotation is mostly a crowd control Abyss. Having the right characters will make this Abyss braindead easy, otherwise, it's a surgical procedure to get the right positioning
Music by: LFZ
/ imlfz
/ lfzmusic
/ @lfz4347
#GenshinImpact #SpiralAbyss #Hoyoverse #Genshin #Abyss