Object Mapping - Mapster | ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 7

Опубликовано: 09 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Amichai Mantinband

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Today we'll get familiar with the Mapster library & use it to replace our manual mappings

Give Mapster a ⭐:


00:00. Object Mapping 101
01:45. Mapster Adapt method
02:33. TypeAdapterConfig 101
03:07. Mapster Map method
03:51. Mapster IgnoreNonMapped method
04:24. TypeAdapterConfig GlobalSettings
05:13. NewConfig vs ForType
06:08. Mapping conditions
06:27. Mapping two objects into one
07:44. Mapster AfterMapping and BeforeMapping methods
08:22. Mapster configuration types
08:46. Mapster ForDestinationType method
09:41. Using the Mapper instance for mapping
10:27. Buber Dinner recap
11:47. Adding Mapster and Mapster.DependencyInjection packages
12:10. Replacing manual mappings with Mapster's Mapper
13:00. Investigating our current mappings
14:20. Adding mapping configurations using the IRegister interface
16:02. Quick recap
16:43. Mapster Dependency Injection stuff
18:37. Adding Presentation layer dependency injection component
19:41. Quick recap
20:03. Making sure everything works
21:03. Adding configurations for all mappings in the system
22:01. Fixing a bug from the previous video
23:27. Next video sneak peek