523 тысяч подписчиков
69 видео
Dependency injection fundamentals in C# - DI vs IoC vs DIP
Make the .NET CLI Your Best Friend | .NET & C# Essentials
Making LINQ Blazing fast with PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) | .NET & C# Essentials
Every Single LINQ Extension Method With Examples | .NET & C# Essentials
Dependency Injection Deep Dive | .NET & C# Essentials
ASP.NET Web APIs Explained in 9 Minutes
5 C# Naming Conventions I Wish Everyone Followed
How To Design Amazing REST APIs
VIM shortcuts but they keep getting crazier
IAsyncEnumerable, My Favorite C# 8 Feature That No One Is Using
Event Storming - what it is and why you should use it with Domain-Driven Design
Repository Pattern | ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 3
The complete guide to unit testing structure best practices
C# Async Await Mistakes | Part 1
Domain Events | Clean Architecture & Domain-Driven Design from scratch | Part 17
Domain Layer Structure & Skeleton | Clean Architecture & DDD From Scratch Tutorial | Part 13
The ULTIMATE Clean Architecture Project Template for .NET
Clean Error Handling In .NET
Why Developers Are OBSESSED With Obsidian
Migrations Done Right in .NET
Dockerize Your .NET Application in 5 Minutes!
The Identity Paradox | DDD, EF Core & Strongly Typed IDs
ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 1 - Project Setup
Global Error Handling | ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 4
Entity Framework Core Tutorial - Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
JWT Bearer Authentication in ASP.NET 6 | CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD From Scratch Tutorial | Part 9
.NET in 300 seconds
The 3 REST API Maturity Levels (The Richardson Maturity Model)
Understand Clean Architecture in 7 Minutes
Exceptions are evil. This is what I do instead.
Stop returning custom error responses from your API. Do this instead.
Object Mapping - Mapster | ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 7
Stop Calling Your API a "REST API"
Model Validation | Validation Attributes vs. FluentValidation | .NET 6
Aggregates, Entities & Value Objects | Modeling Rules of Thumb + Modeling Steps
Implementing AggregateRoot, Entity, ValueObject | CA & DDD From Scratch Tutorial | Part 12
Domain-Driven Design in 150 Seconds
Clean Architecture vs Domain-Driven Design (DDD) - Understand the Difference
Generating JWT Tokens | ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 2
Visual Studio Code for .NET
Getting started with Docker Compose
Getting Started with Dapper in .NET
CQRS & MediatR | ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 6
Global Error Handling in .NET 8 - My Favorite Approach
How Sharp is Your C#? | Riddle #2
The Best Way To Send HTTP Requests
EF Core, DDD, and Clean Architecture - Mapping Aggregates to Relational Databases
Working at Microsoft - The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
.NET MAUI - Building a cross-platform app from scratch in 35 minutes
Swift First Impression (as a .NET Developer)