I might buy a new camera to save time and produce slightly higher-quality images. I might do that, but that's all I'm getting out of this. Yeah. Saves me time. That's great. It will pay me back in the long term. So it's worth spending a good amount of money on a replacement camera.
Let me explain the saving time bit. With my Canon 6D, I take photos using auto bracketing. There is a built-in HDR feature, but it only works in JPEG. So if I bought a camera that did the auto bracketing for me, put the photos together in the camera, and gave me the one processed image, then I think after some trials, experimentation, and proof, I would save quite a bit of time on my workflow.
So it'd be worth doing. These are the kinds of things you think about when you're getting a new camera. It's not just. It's not on a whim. Wait, it can be if you want. That's up to you, but not for me.
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