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To be the best at one photography thing, you must decide what that one photography thing is. This is how you can find your perfect photography niche.
Trust me, I have been there. I used to photograph everything and anything for anyone and everyone. I was all things to all people. And what was the result of that? I was all over the place and not very good at anything. Sure, I could take a decent standard of photos, but that was all—good enough. And I wasn’t improving; I was staying average at lots of things.
Does this sound familiar to you? Are you constantly trying different things but not progressing? Are you wondering how to improve your photography?
If you are, you are in the right place.
In this episode, I tell you.
• Why choosing a photography niche will help you to take better photos.
• How you can choose your very own photography niche.
• And what you need to do next once you have done this.
I also want to tell you
• What if you use a phone to take photos?
• What I do.
All explained in plain English, without the irrelevant detail, in less than 27 (ish) minutes!
What is not to love? How utterly splendid.
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And find out all about me on my photography website (
Thanks very much for listening
Cheers from me Rick