Matthias Bethge – Brain-like visual representations, decision making, and learning | ML in PL 22

Опубликовано: 27 Декабрь 2024
на канале: ML in PL

Brain-like visual representations, decision making, and learning by Matthias Bethge (Tübingen University & Maddox Co-Founder)

Representations, decision-making, and learning are closely interlinked components of intelligent systems that can be studied both in brains and machines. Since the advent of large datasets and extensive use of machine learning in computer vision, the range of tasks that machines can solve (often better than humans) has been rapidly growing. However, both the type of "knowledge" and the way how it is acquired, still seems fundamentally different between brains and machines, and the relation between neuroscience and machine learning is a tricky one. In this talk, I will present my own approach to research at the intersection of the two fields and argue that the emerging field of lifelong machine learning will be key to bringing the two fields closer together in the future.

Matthias Bethge is a Professor for Computational Neuroscience and Machine Learning at the University of Tübingen and director of the Tübingen AI Center, a joint center between Tübingen University and MPI for Intelligent Systems that is part of the German AI strategy. He is also co-initiator of the European ELLIS initiative and co-founder of Deepart UG, and Layer7 AI GmbH.

The talk was delivered during ML in PL Conference 2022. The conference was organized by a non-profit NGO called ML in PL Association.

ML in PL Association website:
ML in PL Conference 2022 website:
ML In PL Conference 2023 website:


ML in PL Association was founded based on the experiences in organizing of the ML in PL Conference (formerly PL in ML), the ML in PL Association is a non-profit organization devoted to fostering the machine learning community in Poland and Europe and promoting a deep understanding of ML methods. Even though ML in PL is based in Poland, it seeks to provide opportunities for international cooperation.