more info! ⬇
/ _ali.3d
Hello friends! Thought I'd make a video on a material function/technique I use alllllll the time and I know is super common in product viz/design work. I'll go over how to make a simple gradient material function so that you can plug into any material you have. You can also use this gradient as a mask to transition between two textures. One thing I did forget to cover in the video is have the gradient stick to your objects rotation - It's a simple tweak and I have a screenshot below of the node setup. Essentially, all you need to do is add a Transform Position node after the Absolute World Position and the Object Position nodes and before both Mask nodes. Set the Source to "Absolute World Space" and the Destination to "Local Space" on both nodes and that should be it! Hope this was helpful and can't wait to see you guys in the next one ✌🏽
Sticky Rotation Node Tweak