The Band From Utopia
Unfinished Documentary
Year Unknown
Seeded on Zappateers:
Ike Willis - Guitar, Vocals
Arthur Barrow - Bass, Guitar, Vocals
Tommy Mars - Keyboards, Vocals
Robert Martin - Keyboards, Vocals, Saxophones
Ed Mann - Percussion
Tom Fowler - Bass, Violin
Bruce Fowler - Trombone, Vocals
Kurt McGettrick - Saxophones, Clarinet
Jay Dittamo - Drums, Percussion
8mm or Hi-8 to 1st or 2nd Gen NTSC VHS, supplied by Tom Brown to Robsam, Transfer by Lagz
Lineage production:
Mitsubishi HS-U747 with S-Video Out
Sony DCR-TRV27 with Digital Pass-Thru
Firewire to PC
ScenalyzerLive 4.0
Movie Studio 16.0 Platinum
Thanks to The Members of The Band From Utopia
Tom Brown for filming. May you be at peace.
Rob Samler for supplying the tape.
Pittylabelle for feedback on all things video.
TPS for Zappateers Tom Brown banner.