This is the powerful and transformative journey of a devout Christian who, throughout her life, faced profound spiritual and personal challenges. From praying for seven years for her estranged husband to return to God’s path and become a pastor, to confronting the heresies of prosperity theology in the United States, she remained steadfast in her mission to serve God.
The story delves into supernatural revelations, including visions of hell, where she witnessed the fate of souls who strayed from the faith. In the midst of these experiences, she was also warned by God about the hidden dangers of football, a sport that had become a form of idolatry for many. In a disturbing vision, she saw how football was being used by evil forces to lead Christians astray and weaken their faith.
Through intense spiritual battles, including confrontations with demons and divine warnings, she learned valuable lessons about holiness, obedience, and the true meaning of the Gospel. This is a story of unwavering faith, resistance against the forces of evil, and the ongoing pursuit of a life of purity and devotion to God.