Yasssssss 🧙♂️😎🤙🙆♂️🤓 After more than 6 months of research and literally hundreds of recompiling of bazel and mediapipe and going down the stackoverflow rabbit hole!!! Got Bazel setup and running fine but mediapipe kept throwing compilation lib errors up till 3am. Thought of a workaround to test at 630am. Since Bazel was already running, tried installing the Mediapipe Pi4 package through Pycharm instead. Ran some simple python cv2 and mediapipe imports and GooeyKablooie! No errors 🥴😁 OK now i can sleep 👾 Google Mediapipe installation runni g on the Arm Raspberry Pi4 Raspbian OS 32bit.Innovation research on Machine Learning Recognition of Handsigns for Visual Impaired 🤔🥴🤗👨💻😅#makers #makersgonnamake #makerspacemovement #instatechnology #technology #smartnationsg #instadaily #programming #instaprojects #DIYprojects #maker #raspbian #raspberrypi3 #tech #hack #instatech #tensorflow #deeplearning #opencv #codingdays #OpenCV #handtracking #raspberrypi4 #hearingimpaired #bazel #socialimpacttech #MediaPipe #googleai #gesturecognizer