15 тысяч подписчиков
629 видео
AMKP Science Fiesta 2023
AMKP P3 Learning Journey Gardens By The Bay 2023
Ang Mo Kio Primary Greenwave 2023: A Smart Pest Monitoring & Detection System for Urban Farming
Smart Garden with Microbit
2023 IVP Team Bravo Smart Fall Detection using Pose Estimation
Pest Detection with Tensorflow2. #innovation #tensorflow #opencv
Fast Protyping tools to test Minimum Viable Product-Creating Apps with No Coding using Bubble.io
Pump it up 🚿💦 Farmbot Express💯🤓🥲 #farmbot #farmduino #farmbotexpress
Pose Estimation with MoveNet using TFLite
Simple Arduino Codes for Smart Garden Irrigation System using ChatGPT
Python with OpenCV + Scratch .Controlling animation with colour tracking
Unity with Tensorflow Object Identifier Trials
IVP Team Bravo Real-Time Fall Detection with Pose Estimation with Teachable Machine+JS CodePen.io
Lip Camera Landmark
Google Mediapipe+Bazel running on the Arm RaspberryPi4 Raspbian
IVP Team Alpha: IoT Fall Detection device for the aged using NodeMCU board with MPU6050 gyroscope
AMKP Farmbot Express setup for science sustainability program
Pest Monitoring & Detection integration with Farmbot Express trials
Arduino Online Lesson 3: LED brightness with Photoresistor Light Sensor using Tinkercad Circuits.
COVID-19 Face Mask Detector with OpenCV, Keras/Tensorflow and Deep Learning