Опубликовано: 05 Октябрь 2024
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Gasoline prices in Russia have gone into space!
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News of Russia today. How long will the price of gasoline in Russia be like this?

The need to look at the gas station causes more and more negative emotions. Vladimir Putin and the ruble exchange rate today. The non-stop rise in fuel prices is simply terrifying. What is happening in Russia with gasoline and when should prices be fixed? News of Russia today.

We no longer need to explain why, regardless of the world oil price situation, motor fuel in Russia is only getting more expensive. Gasoline prices in Russia 2023.

The cost of oil is falling - shout the guard: budget deficit, inflation and rising prices in stores and at gas stations. The price of oil is rising - great again. Ruble exchange rate today.

We were told about linking the price of fuel to the ruble exchange rate. But here too. The ruble was falling, gasoline, albeit slowly, rose in price. The ruble has strengthened, gasoline does not care. Putin: gasoline prices. It turns out that in any incomprehensible situation draw a new, more impressive, gasoline prices? News today.

According to Rosstat, only in June prices at gas stations rose by 3.6% with inflation of 3.15%. Ruble exchange rate today. According to the same Rosstat, the average consumer prices for gasoline over the past week have risen by 27 kopecks (AI-92 - 48.88 ₽ per liter, AI-95 - 53.36 ₽). The price of oil is rising.

Apparently, the current rapid rise in prices on the stock exchange is associated with massive preventive repairs, which were carried out by refineries. Diesel prices today. It was assumed that since June, fuel prices will “thaw” slightly, volumes have recovered. But the weakening of the ruble and, as a result, the growth of oil prices did not allow this. Russian sanctions today.

What do you think about the promises of officials to lower gasoline prices? News today: gasoline prices in Russia 2023 have gone into space.

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