In the previous lesson ( • Python Programming: Lesson 60 - The _... ), we took a look at the _contains_ magic method, which enables us to define what it means to ask if an element is IN an instance of a class. We also brought up the iskeyword and type functions. In this lesson, we will review some of these object-oriented fundamentals (including some more OOP stuff from earlier), but we will also talk about running a module as a script.
Recall that type(x) shows us the data type of the item x
the iskeyword(s) function from the keyword module returns True if s is a Python keyword (shows up in orange), False otherwise
The _call_ magic method of a class C allows us to create an instance E of C as though it were a function E( ) that we could call, potentially with inputs.
The _contains_ magic method of a class C allows us to define X in E for some item X and instance E of C. It is instructed to return True or False.
If we write
if _name_ == "__main__":
then anything in that boolean will executed first. It allows us to treat our module as though it were a script that we could immediately call.
6:52 Review of callable and contains magic methods
9:43 Review of keyword function from the iskeyword module
11:22 Review of the type function provided by Python
13:10 NEW: Running a module as a script with if _name_ == "__main__":
In the next lesson, we'll talk about the exec function and iterators. Neat stuff, don't hesitate: • Python Programming: Lesson 62 - Itera...
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