Taking over the common wealth one settlement at a time! This could be a series where I do every settlement in the game, let me know if you want that!
Sanctuary & Red Rocket
-Break down everything
-Upgrade Backpack
3:29 CR-74L Combat Rifle
4:18 Manwell Rifle Set
4:57 Starlight Drive in
-Break down everything
7:15 Abernathy Farm
-Tatos & melon
8:19 Sunshine Tidings Coop
-Break down everything
9:33 Museum of Freedom
-Grab the gang
10:25 Sanctuary Build
18:15 Sanctuary
-Unlimited Building Supplies & Caltrops
-Manufacturering Armour & Ammo
14:12 Settlement Supply Lines
26:58 Saugus Ironworks
-Build statues for XP
31:50 Money Money
35:10 Sanctuary Defense Test
36:26 Tenpines Bluff Build & Defense Test
46:09 Red Rocket Build & Defense Test
52:02 Sunshine Tidings Coop Build & Defense Test