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Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: / nerdoftherings
NOTR merch: https://nerdoftherings.creator-spring...
To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Matthew Stewart - http://www.matthew-stewart.com/
BellaBergolts - https://www.deviantart.com/bellabergolts
Magdalena Katanska - https://www.artstation.com/magdalenak... / qualiney
Jerry Vanderstelt - https://vandersteltstudio.com/store/
Anna Podedworna - https://www.artstation.com/akreon
Jenny Dolfen - goldseven.wordpress.com/
Kimberly80 - https://www.deviantart.com/kimberly80
Turner Mohan - www.instagram.com/turner_mohan
Ted Nasmith - www.tednasmith.com/shop/
Anke Eissmann - http://anke.edoras-art.de/anke_illust...
Aronja Art - / aronjaart
Ivan Cavini - / ivan_cavini
Sara Morello - https://www.artstation.com/saramorello
Matěj Čadil - https://www.etsy.com/people/matejcadil
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Aegeri - https://www.deviantart.com/aegeri
Justyna Dura - https://www.artstation.com/justynadura
Sergio Botero - https://www.artstation.com/sboterod
Noe Leyva - / noeleyvart
Clemence Morisseau - https://www.artstation.com/kahirie
Edvige Faini - www.edvigefaini.com , www.facebook.com/edvige.faini www.instagram.com/edvige_faini
Miriam Ellis - https://www.miriamellis.com
Stevce Lazarevski - https://www.artstation.com/artofstevce
Álvaro González - / alvarofernag_art
MirachRavaia - https://www.deviantart.com/mirachravaia
Magdalena Olechny - https://magdalenaolechny.com/
Painted Dragon Studios - https://painteddragonshop.etsy.com
Haleth - alystraea
Haleth - Steamey
The_rescue_of_the_Haladin - Sara_M._Morello
Funeral_of_Haldad_and_Haldar - Steamey
Haldad - Peter_Xavier_Price
finrod__beor_and_the_green_elves_of_ossiriand - steamey
caranthir - bellabergolts
Morgoth - RalphDamiani
tld_intro__easterlings - merlkir
Lake and mountains - Felix Englund
Battle_of_Sudden_Flame - Alan_Lee
Forest farm - Felix Englund
Haleth - Jenny_Dolfen
Battle in the distance - Felix Englund
The_Battle_of_the_Five_Armies - Alan_Lee
battle_of_the_dale - tulikoura
Lady_Haleth - Jenny_Dolfen
Haleth - YidanYuan
orcs - Angus McBride
Caranthir - Catherine Karina Chmiel
haleth_and_caranthir - turnermohan
sara-morello-caranthir-and-haleth - samo-art
Haleth - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Caranthir_and_Haleth - Catherine_Karina_Chmiel
Dark valley - Felix Englund
dor_caranthir - matejcadil
Forest edge - Felix Englund
Finrod - Alystraea
Thingol - Marya_Filatova
Haleth_and_Caranthir_first_meeting - Catherine_Chmiel
Haleth - turnermohan
haleth_and_guardswomen - turnermohan
Turin Young - Andrea Piparo
Túrin_Turambar - Alan_Lee
Leaving_the_Barrow - Anke_Eißmann
Fog_on_the_Barrow_Downs - Jonathan_Guzi