Django Project: Build a Micro eCommerce with Python, Django, Neon Postgres, Stripe, & TailwindCSS

Опубликовано: 21 Февраль 2025
на канале: CodingEntrepreneurs

Micro eCommerce with Python, Django, Serverless Postgres, Stripe, TailwindCSS and more.

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Learn to build a modern web application to sell one-off digital products using Python, Django, Serverless Postgres, TailwindCSS, and the Stripe API.

A long term goal of this course would be to set a very practical foundation for selling products online so you can build traction for your project. Once you have traction you can continuously improve until you build a sustainable business on your own.

⦿ Production database integration with Neon’s Serverless Postgres
⦿ Branched database versions for dev, staging, and prod
⦿ Sell, upload, and download digital files with Object Storage
⦿ Purchase-protected Downloads
⦿ Product Pages with TailwindCSS and Flowbite
⦿ Using Environment Variables
⦿ Containerize Django with Docker
⦿ Stripe API and Checkout Integration
⦿ and much more!

⦿ Try Django 3.2 (or similar):    • Try Django 3.2 - Python Web Developme...  
⦿ 30 Days of Python (up to about day 15):    • 30 Days of Python ~ Python 3.8+  
⦿ Some HTML / CSS Experience is ideal

⦿ Code:
⦿ Subscribe:
⦿ Django:
⦿ TailwindCSS + Django Tutorial:    • Django & TailwindCSS! Learn how to in...  
⦿ Flowbite:
⦿ Neon:
⦿ Stripe API Docs


0:00:00 Welcome
0:03:05 Demo
0:15:54 Getting Started
0:22:38 Serverless Basics
0:26:09 Integrating Neon's Serverless Postgres into Django
0:33:11 Using Python Decouple and Dj Database Url
0:42:10 Products Model
0:51:37 Product Model Form and Tailwind Input Class
0:59:49 Product Create View & Template
1:07:40 Product List View
1:16:04 Product Detail & Update View
1:28:39 FileField, ImageField and MEDIA_ROOT
1:40:40 Protected Product Attachment Files
1:48:09 Product Attachment Download View
1:57:56 Product Attachments Display Table
2:11:23 Formsets for Product Management Part 1
2:21:24 Formsets for Product Management Part 2
2:29:56 Dyanmically Add Formset Forms with JavaScript
2:50:08 Purchase Model
2:57:11 Purchase Form & Flow Start
3:09:10 Stripe Checkout API Basics with Python
3:18:18 Integrate Stripe to our Django Models
3:32:38 Cloud Based File Storage for Protected Assets
3:49:37 Pre-sign File for Downloading with Boto
3:58:21 Running with Branched Environments
4:03:50 Containerize the Django App
4:28:07 Thank you - YouTube