Run many iterations of Django across Docker Compose or Raspberry Pis to handle large amounts of time series data.
✅ Python & Django
✅ Setup Django Project
✅ Integrate Self-Hosted TimescaleDB with Django
✅ Integrate Cloud with Django
✅ Use TimescaleDB with django-timescaledb
✅ Integrate Django & Celery
✅ Django Celery Task to Generate Fake Data
✅ Using a Beat Server to run tasks on a schedule (e.g. every 5 seconds)
✅ Learn how to use Celery Task Queues for Individual Worker Nodes
✅ Run multiple Django instances through Docker Compose to emulate a multi-node production environment
✅ Docker Compose Watch to Auto Refresh Django Container
✅ Multi-Node Django+Celery Running on Docker Compose
✅ Configure Raspberry Pi OS for local network connection
✅ Use Ansible to Configure Pi Cluster for Django
✅ Integrate Production TimescaleDB across Docker Compose, Raspberry PIs, and a local Django project.
✅ TimescaleDB Queries and API Responses
✅ Visualizing Data with TimescaleDB and Chart.js
✅ Customize Python Decouple for multiple dotenv Environment Variable files
💽 Code:
🕹️ Links:
Blog Post for Dockerfile:
django-timescaledb package:
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00:00:00 - Welcome
00:02:44 - Demo
00:07:12 - Requirements
00:10:15 - Setup Django Project
00:16:03 - Priority Dotenv Helper for Python Decouple
00:22:55 - TimescaleDB via Docker Compose
00:34:42 - Integrate TimescaleDB with Django
00:45:51 - Create a TimescaleDB model with django-timescaledb
00:53:17 - Running Code outside the Request Response Cycle with Django and Celery
00:57:33 - Integrate Django & Celery
01:04:50 - Django Celery Task to Generate Fake Data
01:13:45 - Auto Schedule Tasks with Celery Beat
01:19:12 - Celery Task Queues for Individual Worker Nodes
01:29:52 - Django Project within Docker Compose
01:41:54 - Docker Compose Watch to Auto Refresh Django Container
01:47:02 - Multi-Node Celery Running on Docker Compose
01:56:00 - Configure Raspberry Pi OS for your Pi Cluster
02:03:01 - Verify Pi Installation and Create Ansible Inventory File
02:09:42 - Using Ansible to Configure our Pi Cluster for Django
02:41:10 - Production TimescaleDB
02:52:24 - Timescale DB Queries and API Responses
03:05:11 - Additional TimescaleDatabase Queries
03:13:05 - Visualizing Average Temperature Over Time
03:17:18 - Visualizing Average Temperature Per Node Over Time
03:23:36 - Thank you and next steps