In the previous lesson ( • Java Programming: Lesson 68 - Linked ... ), we learned about a THIRD dictionary - linked hash maps. It's a subclass of HashMap that provides basically the same collection of instance methods. Go back a little farther to learn about the first 2 types of dictionaries:
Lesson 55 - HashMap ( • Java Programming: Lesson 55 - Maps (A... )
Lesson 64 - Hashtable ( • Java Programming: Lesson 64 - Hashtables )
Lesson 68 - LinkedHashMap ( • Java Programming: Lesson 68 - Linked ... )
A ConcurrentHashMap supports concurrent (same-time) operations. We briefly talked about the theory of this in our video about threading. We investigate methods from the ConcurrentHashMap in this lesson.
1:15 Review of Linked Hash Maps
3:45 Review of Advanced Data Structures and Iterator Availability
7:54 NEW: Concurrent Hash Maps
The show goes on in the next video: • Java Programming: Lesson 70 - Techniq...
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