How to Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on Mac (M1 | M2 | M3) | Run Ubuntu on Apple Silicon Using UTM
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**Ubuntu ARM**: [Download Ubuntu ARM](
**UTM**: [Download UTM](
**UTM GitHub Link**: [UTM GitHub](
Commands List:
To Setup GUI:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tasksel
sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
Step-by-Step Guide:
Step 1: Download UTM
Step 2: Install UTM
Step 3: Download Ubuntu ARM
Step 4: Create a New Virtual Machine in UTM
Step 5: Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Step 6: Set Up GUI for Ubuntu
What You'll Learn:
1. How to download and set up UTM on your Mac.
2. How to download the Ubuntu ARM version suitable for Apple Silicon.
3. How to configure UTM to run Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
4. How to set up a graphical user interface (GUI) for Ubuntu.
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