00:00 Clovis (481-511)
00:55 Clovis, the birth of a kingdom
01:45 In the times of Merovée and Childéric
09:18 The Expansion: The Warchief
16:24 RELATIONS: Gallo-Roman network, Christian network, remnant of the empire
24:35 Conversion: Baptism
30:42 Integration and Substitution: The Convert
38:02 Centralization: The King
48:02 Conclusion, a changing world of which Clovis was the craftsman
Son of Childeric I, he conquered most of Gaul and defeated the last Roman leader of Gaul in 486, as well as the Burgundian, Alemanni and Visigoth kings, but above all converted to Christianity, thanks in part to the catholicity of his wife. , the future Saint Clotilde. This contributed to his image as the "first king of France" and brought him the support of the Catholic Church in the face of Arianism and paganism. The Frankish kingdom is divided between his four sons at his death.
Director: Dominique Mougenot, Thierry Bruant and Catherine Mignot -
The kings of France, 15 centuries of history - Documentary series - History