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The Strangers Car
Shelley Duvall's It's A Bird's Life (1993) [3DO] longplay
Liquid Books 2: Cerdito and the Coyote, Amrita's Trees (Sony Playstation) [1998] longplay
Me & My Katamari (2006) [PSP] longplay
Liquid Books 1: Lety's Favorite Stories (Sony Playstation) [1998] longplay
Madeline 1st Grade Reading (1998) [PC] Longplay
Sesame Street: Alphabet Kitchen (Android) [2019] / Lite Version / longplay
Adventures Through McDonaldland (1998) [PC, Windows] Longplay
Brer Rabbit And The Wonderful Tar Baby (PC, Windows) [1995] longplay.
Disney's The Lion King - Simba's Mighty Adventure (2000) [PS1] longplay
Disney Learning Preschool Mickey & Winnie - 2 CD Deluxe Set (2000) [PC, Windows] longplay
Play-Doh Creations (PC, Windows) [1996] longplay.
Noddy - The Magic Of ToyTown (PC, Windows) [1996] longplay.
JumpStart Learning Games - ABC's (1999) [PC, Windows] longplay
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (1995) [PC, Windows] Longplay
Just Me and my Dad (1997) [PC, Windows] "Read" Mode longplay
Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head Go On Vacation (PC, Windows) [2001] longplay.
Disney's Winnie the Pooh - Preschool (Rerelease) (2001) [PC, Windows] longplay
The Great Green Mouse Disaster (PC, Windows) [1996] longplay.
Disney Learning Toddler Winnie & Mickey - 2 CD Deluxe Set (2000) [PC, Windows] longplay
How Many Bugs in a Box? (1994) [PC, Windows] Longplay
Disney's Mickey Mouse Kindergarten (2000) [PC, Windows] longplay
Disney's The Lion King Activity Center (1996) [PC, Windows] longplay
Dr Seuss: Kindergarten (2000) [PC, Windows] longplay
Sherston Software: Little Brown Bear On The Farm (PC, Windows) [2001] longplay.