With a master cast created, you can now duplicate your prosthesis. More Smart Denture Conversions Training with Dr. Brandon Kofford.
Lords Mobile прохождение Прошлое Таркуса 5 этап
230 лет аулу Козет - Хэхэс Джэгу - Студия кавказских танцев "Нарт"
"Кино для женского счастья" на СТС
Trailer: Welcome to Feed the Sheep Podcast
VCU ASU DANCE TEAM "LFDA" - BRUHH Afrobeat remix (2016)
Create easy Northern lights inside Procreate
SEGA - Sparta Remix V2
New: Cementation Aids
Cementing TiBases into Prostheses
Conclusion - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Finishing Your Smart Denture Conversion - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Create Screw Channels & Remove Peek Caps - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Duplicate the Prosthesis - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Create a Master Cast - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Contouring the Denture - Smart Denture Conversions Video Training
The Pickup (Remove the Denture) - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Placing the Denture for Pickup - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Checking Passivity - Smart Denture Conversions Training
Creating Wells - Smart Denture Conversions Training