00:00 | Sabbath Afternoon, November 9
03:35 | Sunday, November 10
07:03 | Monday, November 11
10:40 | Tuesday, November 12
14:08 | Wednesday, November 13
17:47 | Thursday, November 14
21:16 | Friday, November 15
In this video we have the text of the Ellen G. White quotes for the Sabbath School lesson synced with the audio from the E. G. White Audio website.
📄 This lesson in PDF:
🎙️ Support E.G. White Audio's Mission Expansion
📱 Study this lesson using the official General Conference Sabbath School App:
⛪️ Every Saturday morning, we gather in groups to study the lesson from the previous week. You can join us and learn more from the Bible. To find a church next to your location please visit: https://www.adventist.org/find-a-church/
🎙 PRESENTER: Carla Morris
🎞 VIDEO EDITOR: Cláudio Carneiro
Every Saturday morning, we gather in groups to study the lesson from the previous week. You can join us and learn more from the Bible. To find a church next to your location please visit: https://www.adventist.org/find-a-church/
📄 TEXT: https://sabbath-school.adventech.io/en/
🎧 AUDIO: https://egwhiteaudio.com/
🎵 Final Song: “Be Thou my Vision” from https://www.smallchurchmusic.com/Song...
#SabbathSchoolLesson #EllenGWhiteNotes #SeventhDayAdventistChurch #TheBookOfJohn