Low Investment Scarab Farming in T17 - 3.25 Path of Exile

Опубликовано: 09 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Fubgun

Streaming daily
  / fubgun  

Atlas: https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-atlas-tree...
Roll for 100% or more scarabs, use regular chisels and use 1 delirium orb.
Fortress should be the best for this farm.
Radiant storms over 1 divinity scarab is another option if your build is strong enough.

Roughly 18-23d~ an hour or about 1.7d~ profit per a map
At the time of recording, the maps were 0.7d each and the scarabs were 20c~ total, so around 0.8d per a map.

My Discord:   / discord  

My builds/atlas setups: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

#pathofexile #currency #scarab