Thanks to watch this video tutorial, how to convert mp4 to mkv vlc and this is 7th video tutorial about vlc player.
Friend, mostly we use VLC Media player as multimedia player that can play different video formats smoothly but it is a free video converter and compressor available for all popular OS and devices such as PC, Laptop Apple IOS and android smart phone.
To convert mp4 to mkv using vlc media player.
1-Open VLC Player and from menu bar click on media.
2- click on Convert/save ( Shortcut Ctrl + R)
3- open media window or dialog Box will open.
4- media window has different sub tabs but you must confirm that you selected file sub tab
5- On media dialog box different Buttons are shown but to click a video file click on Add.
After selecting a video file , file name and path will shown on file selection box.
6- click on convert/save on open media dialog box and it will open next window or dialog box
#skillsinsider #convertmp4tomkvvlc #vlcmediaplayertutorial #freevideoconverter #convertmp4tomkvfree