The three horseman of the apocalypse are BACK!
00:00 Intro
4:09 CVS as a PBM and the effect on independent community pharmacies
6:28 Marty’s new book
7:13 Biden’s medicare drug price negotiations
14:34 Media health reporting biases, churnalism
18:46 COVID and testing rules, Paxlovid efficacy
24:46 The media and lab leak theory, garbage research and health equity
34:20 Lab leak vs. wet market
40:39 Medical education is broken and what to do about it
49:08 Fixing medical conferences, debate in medicine is now taboo
58:04 ABMS and medical board exam monopoly, culture of obedience in medicine
Here's a sneak peek of Marty Makary's new book BLIND SPOTS: When medicine gets it wrong and what it means for our health (now available for pre-order):
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