I need a new Youtube channel logo, so I bought some from Fiverr. Each one from an artists with difrent amounts of reviews. So will a logo with 0 reviews be better than a logo with 1000 reviews. What is better 1 or 5 stars. Find out in this video!
I hope you enjoy!
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/ tonykraken44
🎵 Music
All music used in this video comes from Epidemic Sound:
✅Fiverr Arists
First artist: https://www.fiverr.com/s/b47jlW
Second artist: https://www.fiverr.com/s/N7p8g8
Third artist: https://www.fiverr.com/s/jAbEEo
Fourth artist: https://www.fiverr.com/s/6QK36R
#fiverr #logo
This video is similar to Ryan Trahan and Crispy Concords, who make videos on 1-Star and 5-Star products. This is like a Fiverr challenge similar to 0 to 1000 dollar logos.
😎 Contact
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[email protected]