In trying to teach an introduction to biofluid mechanics for students during the pandemic (BIOMEDE 331, Fall 2020 at the University of Michigan), I tried to teach a little more, scribbling as much as I could into the margins. Though often forgotten, much can be learned from the marginal.
This series of vignettes represents those educational margins. Through these didactic little parables I am trying to say something real about something important in ways I cannot otherwise express. I deploy an odd cast of characters, from a man on the street standing in front of a burning building to a then-president, in their own words to help me say what I’m trying to say. It is my hope here to encourage you, dear reader, to take a few moments to explore the boundaries of what we call our education (and, vicariously, our “educational system”) and look with earnestness in the eyes of those peering just beyond and see what we can learn.
00:00 – This is water, part 1
00:36 – Arbitrary, yet nevertheless significant
01:11 – This is water, part 2
01:22 – Magic is practice in action
03:03 – This is water, part 3
03:38 – Human beings are born under 14.6 psi
04:35 – In our field, as in others, there is pressure
07:01 – Indeed, our world is governed by myriad forces
08:48 – This is water, part 4
09:12 – Arteriovenous fistula and the consequences of actual pressure measurement
11:32 – This is water, part 5
11:43 – Magicians are especially good at fooling very smart people
13:55 – On the importance of wearing a mask
14:58 – This is water, part 6
(All audio and video used in accordance with fair use.)