Unboxing Adam Savage's Carbonite Head & Bust

Опубликовано: 14 Март 2025
на канале: Kevin Koperski

The fine folks at ‪@tested‬ recently released some 3D Prints of Adam Savage. One is a bust of Adam, while the other is a print from his Adam in Carbonite prop build (    • Adam Savage in Carbonite One Day Build!   ). As a long time Mythbusters and Tested fan, I had to own them. They arrived recently, and today I unbox them.

Apparently, Tested's new printer is an SLS printer. I repeatedly called it a resin printer. My bad. That's what I get for not doing my research first.

Visit the animation company I co-founded at: ‪@amulet-studios‬ . We're creating a new animated series. Teaser video available here:    • We're making an Unreal animated serie...  

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Most importantly, thanks for watching, and definitely say Hi!