Hi Everyone, Today with us Rasam Anand placed at United Health Group and also interned at UHG. So by the end of video we have full roadmap and tips to UHG. She tell us how important Resume is and importance of skill-set in interview. Also, she has given valuable suggestions to juniors.
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🔴Link for preparation:
1. https://www.indiabix.com/
2. GFG
🔴 Placement Diaries: • Placement Diaries
🔴 Connect with Rasam Anand:
LinkedIn: / rasamanand22
🔴 Connect with me here:
Telegram Channel(Let's grow together): https://t.me/act_tech_viral
Instagram: / kunal_g_29
Twitter: / kunal_g_29
LinkedIn: / kunalgarg357
Website: https://gargkunal.ninja/
⏲️⏲️ Timestamps
0:00 - Welcome
0:39 - Intro
1:32 - Which type of company UGH ?
4:34 - Procedure
11:25 - Resume Importance
12:00 - Is UHG select from all branches ?
13:00 - How much CP?
14:30 - After Selection
16:28 - CTC
17:42 -Wrap up
#KunalGarg #PlacementDiaries #Unitedhealthgroup
#optum #stipend #ctc #act-techviral #placement