These are the steps I go though when I edit my architecture photos in Lightroom.
1. Import the photos into Lightroom
2. Create a Backup
3. Apply Import presets
4. Put the photos in a folder in Lightroom
5. Stack the bracketed sets
6. Create folders called All and Picks
7. Choose the photos to edit and move them to the Picks folder
8. Move the other photos to the All folder
9. Crop the images
10. Correct horizontals and verticals in the Transform panel
11. Edit the first image in the Basic panel
12. Copy editing settings to similar images
13. Repeat the process until all photos are edited
14. Do the same with the wonderful HSL panel
15. Do the same with the Tone Curve panel
16. Do the same with the Detail panel
17. Do the same with the Effects panel
18. Dodging and burning
19. Other local adjustments
20. Apply a radial filter
21. Remove stuff in Lightroom
22. Remove stuff in Photoshop
23. Add metadata
24. Rename the photo file names
25. Export as JPEGs for issue
So that is my step by step process to editing my architecture photos in Lightroom. Let’s go into each of these in a bit more detail.
Check out the blog post for more at