Windows Subsystem for Linux WSL2 Commands

Опубликовано: 02 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Liv4IT

Windows Subsystem for Linux WSL2 Commands

The ability to run Linux natively in Windows 10 is provided by the WSL feature. WSL stands for Windows Subsystem for Linux, which initially, was limited to Ubuntu only. Modern versions of WSL allow installing and running multiple Linux distros from Microsoft Store.

After enabling WSL, you can install various Linux versions from the Store:
openSUSE Leap
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Kali Linux for WSL
Debian GNU/Linux
and more.

Windows 10 offers two methods to start a WSL distro. For distros installed from the Store, you can use either the console wsl.exe tool, or a Start menu shortcut.

WSL Coomads:
To list installed distributions
wsl -l
wsl --list

To list installed distributions along with its running status and wsl config being 1 or 2
wsl -l --verbose
wsl -l -v

To run a specific distro
wsl -d distro_name
wsl --distribution distro_name

To terminate/shutdown a specific distro
wsl -t distro_name_to_shutdown
wsl --terminate distro_name_to_shutdown

To shutdown all disstros
wsl --shutdown

To EXPORT a running distro as image
wsl --export distro_name_to_export windows_path\tar_file_name.tar

To IMPORT an image as distro
wsl --import new_distro_name install_location_windows_path tar_file_name.tar --version wsl-version-1-or-2
wsl --import Ubuntu-20 D:\VMs\WSL\Ubuntu-20\ Ubuntu-20.04.tar --version 2 # Setting my secondary HDD as storate loc for new distro

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