The Qlucore NGS module contains powerful functionality for peak detection and peak quantification. In this webinar we will show how to detect peaks and visualize them in the genome browser in Qlucore Omics Explorer.
A detailed list of the peaks will be exported including information of corresponding genes, peak features etc. Quantification will be performed as part of the processing, statistical analysis will be performed on the quantified peaks and the results will be visualized in parallel PCA-plots and heatmaps.
#dataanalysis #bioinformaticsoftware #omics
Qlucore Omics Explorer is a D.I.Y next-generation bioinformatics software for research in life science, plant- and biotech industries, as well as academia. The powerful and flexible visualization-based data analysis tool with inbuilt powerful statistics delivers immediate results and provides instant exploration and visualization of big data.
The software is developed to allow the workflow which best suits you and your experiments and maximizes the outcome of your research.
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