In a new paper, scientists report the discovery of the beginnings of a submarine landslide in the Tiran Straits, at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea. The study reveals how the submarine landslide, even if it slides only part way, could spawn local tsunamis as tall as those from Mw= 9 earthquakes. Should the slope fail completely, it will gravely threaten the rapidly urbanizing coastline of the Tiran Straits and adjacent Gulf of Aqaba, they write.
Tsunamigenic Potential of an Incipient Submarine Landslide in the Tiran Straits,
Sam J. Purkis, Steven N. Ward, Hannah Shernisky, Giovanni Chimienti, Arash Sharifi, Fabio Marchese, Francesca Benzoni, Mattie Rodrigue, Maureen E. Raymo, Ameer Abdulla [2022] Geophysical Research Letters
DOI: 10.1029/2021GL097493
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