Here are 5 things Gemini (formerly known as Bard) can do that ChatGPT can't. Is Gemini better than ChatGPT? Get ready for a list of five things (as of today) that Gemini (free version) is surpassing ChatGPT (free version) with. Find more about ChatGPT here • Free ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing Pros
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KORI ASHTON IS A DIGITAL STRATEGIST, KEYNOTE SPEAKER, YOUTUBER & BUSINESS COACH. From freelancer to entrepreneur to c-suite, Kori Ashton has spent over twenty years in the digital marketing space. She built up a WordPress agency that sold in 2017 and spends most of her time now growing her new company MaxCRO consulting with industry brands and agencies on improving customer retention with persona-driven development.
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