By: - A series of videos explaining SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Internet marketing. Video #3 - Anatomy of a Search Engine Result Page.
This video discusses the parts of a search engine result page. The video will help you understand the difference between "Paid" versus "Organic" results/listings. Another term for organic listings is "FREE" listings.
The video also talks about the why it is important work to be on the first page of the results. 90 percent of all clicks that takes place happen on the first page. Also, the first five results will usually get almost 75 percent of those clicks.
That is why SEO is so important, because if you are not on the first page of the results, you might as well not be on the Internet.
The five videos are below:
Video 1 - Search Engines 101 - • What is a search Engine? | Small Busi...
Video 2 - How Search Works - • How Search Engines Work? | Small Busi...
Video 3 - Anatomy of a Search Engine Result - • Anatomy of a Search Engine Result | S...
Video 4 - What Makes a Successful Website - • Make a Successful Website | Small Bus...
Video 5 - Internet Marketing (SEM/SEO) - • Internet Marketing (SEM vs. SEO) | Sm...