ORCS MUST DIE - NAFO Help for Ukraine

Опубликовано: 10 Январь 2025
на канале: ixsilver

Euroopa päeva puhul 9. mail 2023. Euroopalike ja demokraatlike väärtuste eest võitlemisel näitab NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade oma tegevusega, et palju tehakse ja palju on võimalik teha ise ettevõtlik olles. Oma demokraatlike, diktatuuri- ja vallutussõja vastasuse näitamiseks aidatakse Ukrainat autode ja muu vajalikuga, ostes masinad, värvides need militaar värvidesse.
Marek Murumets on selle NAFO ettevõtmise, autode värvimise ja märkimise, disainimise korraldaja. Ragnar Sass veab masinate ostu ja rahastuskampaaniat LIFT99 alt MTÜ Help99 www.help99.co veebi keskkonnas.

Video algab ja lõpeb Ukraina KRAKEN-i üksuse tänuvideoga, sooviavaldusega vajadusest rindemasinate järgi. Videos on peamiselt masinate ettevalmistus, nende puhastus ja värvimine vabatahtlike poolt ja teemad, mis sellega seoses üles tulevad.

Help99 is a non-profit organization that provides humanitarian aid and support to victims of war and natural disasters. They work in partnership with local organizations to deliver aid directly to those in need. Help99 has been providing aid to those affected by the conflict in Ukraine since 2014, including distributing food, clothing, and medical supplies.

Support the mission of help99.co by donating to their cause. The video provides the necessary details, including bank account information for LIFT99 UKRAINE, and emphasizes the importance of working together to help those impacted by the conflict.

Included is a thank you video from Ukraine Kraken group. Mostly the video shows the subjects and work of the volunteers painting and preparing the cars to be sent to Ukraine frontlines.

Overall, the video is a powerful and moving tribute to those impacted by the conflict in Ukraine and a call to action for people to support the important work being done to help those in need. By sharing personal stories, highlighting the work of various organizations, and providing a clear call to action, the video is sure to inspire viewers to take action and support this important cause.