I THINK NOT! She should be just fine in that match-up. Obviously not as good as a Hunt Character, but still passable. This video will breakdown and explain Jade's Kit and Abilities. Jade is a Quantum Erudition Character who specializes in dealing follow-up attack damage by gaining charges for attacking multiple enemies. She requires a team that attack quickly and hit many enemies at once. Every Skill, Ultimate, and Talent will be explained in detail and provide information on damage scaling at level 10. This video will address several questions and the general playstyle to utilize Jadeto the best of her abilities. This video will also go over briefly some relic builds, team synergies, and Lightcone options.
Intro: 00:00
Basic ATK: 00:44
Skill: 1:18
Ultimate: 3:15
Talent: 3:44
Technique: 5:32
Traces: 6:02
Relics: 7:33
Lightcones: 14:26
Ending: 17:16
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