A written tutorial will be available on my website soon: einsteiniumstudios.com
The GitHub Repository: https://github.com/AlekMabry/RobotHea...
The commands used in the video:
git clone https://github.com/AlekMabry/RobotHea...
cd RobotHead/Blob\ /Detection
nano debug.txt (ctrl+x to exit the nano editor)
nano hsv.txt
g++ `pkg-config --static --libs opencv` -O3 -o tracker tracker.cpp
I also mentioned the use of X11 in the video. X11 is the window manager for UNIX computers. If you ssh into a UNIX system with X, you are able to view windows opened on the server computer.
On UNIX host computers like OS X or Linux, you can ssh with X by typing:
ssh -X [email protected]
I will post a tutorial on this soon.