Instrumental / backing track of My Reward (2024) from Upperroom.
If you like the song go buy it from ITunes or Spotify etc:
ITunes - / my-reward-live-single
Spotify -
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The original copyright of the song belongs to Upperroom (Elyssa Figueroa). Fair use / fair dealing for comment/criticism or research is permitted and shown here under copyright legislation around the world, including but not limited to Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 US and Section 41 of the Copyright Act 1968 Australia.
1. Shepherd of my heart - You can lead the way.
Whether it's up the mountain; or back down in the valley.
Giver of my dreams - I know You're with me.
Through gardens of joy or wilderness; I know in my heart that I am blessed.
I will trust You on the way up. I will trust You on the way back down.
I'll be content; no matter where I am 'cos You are my reward.
Your ways are so much higher. Your thoughts are so much better than mine.
I'll be content; no matter where I am 'cos You are my reward.
2. Shepherd of my soul - I'm mended and made whole.
Giver of all good things I have; there is not one thing that I lack.
Whether I am fulfilled; where I'm still believing.
I have all I need; as long as I have You Jesus!