In the previous lesson ( • Python Programming: Lesson 43 - Group... ), we talked about groups in regular expressions. Here, we continue talking about groups but then bring up the concept of default arguments to a function. It turns out that inputs can have default values, and there can also be arbitrarily many inputs being passed into a function.
def f( x = 4 , y = 9 ):
return y - x
print( f() ) # 5
Above is an example of a function that has 2 default arguments. You can specify them, but they'll take default values if you don't. We can also think about positional arguments, which are treated as a tuple of arguments coming in.
def g( h , *x ):
print( h + int( x[0] ) )
g( 10 , True , True , 3.3 , "potato" ) # 11
0:23 Review of print(x, y, ...)
0:49 Review of Regular Expressions and Groups
10:23 Review of Theory of Functions
11:13 NEW: Default Function Arguments
14:41 Positional Arguments
17:38 PEEK: Keyword Arguments (next video • Python Programming: Lesson 45 - Named... )
Ready for more information on groups and keyword arguments? A final video on regular expressions / functions is available here: • Python Programming: Lesson 45 - Named...
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