Thrilling piece about the UN agenda 21 act and the USA wilderness act being used to change our nation and our world into a new place only dreamed up by architects for the future. We are lacking as a species and the governments of the world plan to fix that by first squeezing the people into extremes of hunger, famine, shortages, economic collapses and relocations (mostlikely due to a false-flag attack or "natural disaster" to weed down our population of "unworthy" people. Then force ppl into a handful of cities only to let the rest go to back nature so that new brilliant cities for elite people can be built far away from the worker-bee class that are to be forced into work cities and controlled... The proof is here. It has to start sometime and from the chaos of late - I THINK IT HAS.
Attention - THX to anyone i "barrowed" clips from to make this. Sorry for the snag, The reason was good obviously.