Hello friends, in this series we travel to Ecuador, a country that amazes with its diversity and beauty. As usual, I will show you the main attractions of the capital. We will stroll through the narrow streets of colonial Quito and enjoy the view of the city from the Pichincha volcano. Quito, with its rich history and culture, will provide us with a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of the ancient world and the modern world. Being the only capital of the state that is located on the equator, I will show and tell you about the miracles that happen there.
I will also talk with the Russian-speaking heroes of the issue to better understand the current economic and political situation in the country. Ecuador is going through an interesting period of reform and change, which is affecting people's lives. We will discuss with our heroes important topics such as economics, politics and everyday life in Ecuador. We will pay special attention to security issues and the criminal situation in the country in order to understand what challenges residents of Quito and other regions face. I want to show Ecuador as it is, with its splendor and challenges, through the lens of the personal stories and experiences of local people.
/ sashabormiami
EDEM V ECUADOR Moving to Ecuador:
/ edemvecuador
00:00 Teaser
02:11 Arrival in Ecuador, plans
05:05 Ecuador facts, dollars
06:33 Car rental, hotel
09:45 Quito is the capital of Ecuador
11:13 Getting to know Quito
15:50 Transport Quito
18:03 Quito Old Town
20:02 History of Ecuador
22:35 Politics of Ecuador, dictators, drug cartels
26:40 Democracy of Ecuador
28:50 Basilica Nacional del Voto, religion, cuisine
34:05 Architecture of Ecuador, rental
38:10 Pichincha Volcano with a magnificent view
41:44 Crime in Ecuador
46:04 Russian-speaking diaspora, legalization
48:14 Work in Ecuador
51:03 Main attraction of Mitad del Mundo