Welcome back to video number 15 in this Rust tutorial series! In this video, we learn all about enums! Enums are incredibly important to Rust so make sure you follow this video at your own pace and feel free to ask any questions in the comments!
Rust Online Book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/
⏰Time Stamps⏰
00:00 - Recap of Previous Video (Structs)
01:00 - Introduction to Enums
02:40 - Creating an Enum
03:00 - Creating Instances of an Enum
03:55 - Creating Functions with Enums
05:10 - Incorporating Structs with Enums
09:56 - Enums Can Store a Lot of Types - an Example
11:33 - An Example Using BOTH Enums and Structs
12:55 - Creating Methods and Associated Functions with Enums
14:08 - The Option Enum
20:56 - Match Expression
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