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Should you start off with Java, C++, C, Python, Javascript, SQL, Swift, Objective-C or what!??
... Feeling overwhelmed yet before you even began your journey as a software developer? If so, good! The point of this video is to discuss all of that in a simple way and clarify common misconceptions among beginning coders when they are about to start. We discuss different programming languages and suggest which language you should perhaps start off with first. You can always switch over later! The important thing is to understand the concepts in a computer programming language especially as a beginner. Do not try to deal with both conceptual difficulty and syntactical difficulty at the same time. Imagine if you never knew any human language and you tried to start off by learning Japanese as an adult, that would be really tough. Start simple, learn the concepts, then transition to another language. We will talk about which languages to avoid as a beginner!
I worked on this project with my friend. Never knew ANY Javascript but picked it up within one day and built this whole thing together with my friend in about 1-2 days.
The idea behind the app is to be able to download commonly visited locations on an excel sheet and print them so when your GPS dies on you... You are still good to go.
I did a lot of private chess lessons and I depended on my GPS for the job. However, sometimes it died on me in very critical situations and that almost got me fired from my job.
This app was made for people who can use this in order to not have to rely on GPS solely to get to their destination.
Clever Programmer
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