Hematemesis by Drs. Aaron Skolnik and Jess Monas
EMCert Module Mastery - Everything you need to prepare for your ABEM MyEMCert exams.
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All 8 modules available
Produced by the creators of the National Emergency Medicine Board Review Course
In-depth audio and videos with slides to help reinforce key points
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National EM Board Review: http://www.emboards.com
High Risk Emergency Medicine: https://bit.ly/2VrvbYj
The Heart Course: http://www.heartselfstudy.com
The Cadaver-Based Suturing Self-Study Course: https://bit.ly/36vn2Za
EM:Prep LLSA Review: http://www.emprep.org
National Family Medicine Board Review: http://www.fmboards.com
EMCert Module Mastery: http://www.modulemastery.com
USC Trauma Course: http://www.usctrauma.com
American Board of Osteopathic Medicine Courses: http://www.aoaselfstudy.com
ACOEP Scientific Assembly: https://courses.ccme.org/course/acoep
Mastering Acute Care Charting - 2023 Updates: https://courses.ccme.org/course/macc
Flourishing in Medicine: https://bit.ly/flourishinginmed
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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **