Friday Night Funkin' VS Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover (FULL WEEK/DEMO) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD.
I'm playing Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover, but do not confuse this with the Baldi's Basics in Funkin' I played a few years ago. This is a brand new Baldi's Basics made by a different team. This time we battle Baldi from Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning. There are a lot of cool songs and cool menus for it only being a demo!
Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover Twitter:
FNF Equations - Baldi's Basics Takeover OST
• Equations - Baldi's Basics Takeover OST
Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover [DEMO] Download:
Game Note: Fight with the best teacher, baldi himself in his fun algebra class. This mod add new characters and songs based from the game "Baldi's Basics In Education And Learning" created by Mystman12.
The demo includes:
4 week songs and 5 extra songs!
We'll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover songs.
Game References
1) Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Filename2/Null Battle
• Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Fil...
2) Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning Full Game & ENDING Gameplay (Free indie horror Game)
• Baldi's Basics in Education and Learn...
3) DISSATISFIED is a remake of this song (COOL, HA, EEH, AH, COOL)
• VS. Baldi Full Week Demo V1.0 - Frida...
4) Tresha based on Roblox experience named “Boinel’s Maze”
(I can't find the link to game though)
5) Long enough based on Baldi gets bullied by xploshi:
• Baldi gets bullied
As for Mirror mode and Tresha, im not sure if its based on anything. I might edit this later.
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover Full Week Mod Timestamp:
0:00 Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover Preview
01:55 Tiny Message
02:04 Start up
02:14 Warning
02:19 Main Menu
02:31 Freeplay
02:42 Think Pad
03:06 How the menu actually looks like from the moment you start up
03:14 1) Back to School - Song (Baldi vs BF)
04:24 Sounds cool
05:46 again
06:31 2) Solving - Song
06:55 Baldi and BF turned Classic style
07:10 back to normal
07:45 Sounds cool and Principal of the Thing whistles
08:51 Song becomes intense
09:22 Sounds really cool and music ends
10:07 3) Equations - Song
11:26 Baldi becomes angry and slaps ruler
12:45 4) Last Lesson - Song
13:40 Becomes intense and slows down
14:35 Sounds cool
15:07 Baldi and BF turned Classic style
15:47 Back to normal
16:04 Song becomes more intense
17:07 Homework
17:22 Cheat code 1
17:41 Freeplay
18:01 5) Corrupted - Song (Null vs BF)
19:26 Dialogue and song becomes intense
20:00 Destroy the game!
20:43 Dialogue
20:56 FNF Result Screen
21:18 Cheat code 2
21:30 6) Dissatisfied - Song (Official Remake)
22:09 Baldi old sprite remade
22:24 Get out while you still can!
22:58 Classic style
23:13 Back to remake
23:45 Cutscene and song becomes intense
24:55 Cheat code 3
25:13 7) Long Enough - Song
26:25 Song becomes intense
26:58 Ghost bully sings
27:53 bully disappears
28:27 Sad vibes and something bad happens to him
29:08 Cheat code 4
29:23 8) Schoolparty - Song (Baldi's Birthday)
30:06 Blow out the candle!
30:38 Sounds cool
32:02 Cheat code 5
32:17 Cutscene
32:23 9) Tresha - Song
33:36 Sounds cool
34:14 Song becomes intense and ends
34:59 Result screen theme
35:43 Credit
36:06 Pause screen
36:12 Message & Cutscene
36:24 10) balcros (April fools song)
38:37 End
38:47 Secret BF overworld sprite
39:04 Nothing happens if you get the answer wrong
39:19 Misses
39:28 Game Over Animations
39:50 Outro - CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover below
VS Baldi's Basics In Education Takeover FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
Get the game and support the creators of the Friday Night Funkin': The Full Game:
Friday Night Funkin' - (Minecraft Edition):
• Friday Night Funkin' - Steve VS Week ...
FNF VS Dave & Bambi 2.0 Secret Cheating:
• Friday Night Funkin' VS Dave & Bambi ...
FNF VS Baldi's Basics In Funkin FULL WEEK (FNF MOD) (Secret Anti-Piracy Screen)
• Friday Night Funkin' VS Baldi's Basic...
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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2024)
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