Check out the official playlist for AN INFLUX OF MASHUPS, the collaborative album by ArinInflux and Friends: • AN INFLUX OF MASHUPS by ARININFLUX & ... #KylieMinogue #RinaSawayama #CantGetYouOutOfMyHead
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Elements used from:
XS by Rina Sawayama (Filtered Acapella by Ethan Merlyn, Official Instrumental)
Can't Get You Out Of My Head by Kylie Minogue (Official Instrumental, Karaoke Stems)
Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls (Official Instrumental)
911 by Lady Gaga (Official Stems)
Happiness by Little Mix (SFX Stem)
Freesound tagline "A word from our sponsors" by Timbre
Audio from various commercials (Max Factor 1960, Ambush Perfume by Dana 1960s, Epris 1981, L'oreal Nail Polish 1986, Clarion Makeup 1988)
And many other independently sourced SFX... (e.g., car door slam, clacking heels, indistinct chatter, ATM sounds)
Legal Disclaimer: Credits to the original works go to their respective creators and record labels. For all intents and purposes, due to the non-monetized nature thereof, this mashup does not interfere upon the potential market or value of the copyrighted work, and shall therefore fall under fair use as per §107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976.