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Отзыв Елены Хитровой о практикуме "Революция в МЛМ"
Pre-Algebra 5-3: Simplify Expressions
Pre-Algebra 5-2: Generate Equivalent Expressions
Pre-Algebra 4-4: Solve Percent Change and Percent Error Problems
Pre-Algebra 4-3: Represent and Use the Percent Equation
Pre-Algebra 4-2: Connect Percent and Proportion
Pre-Algebra 3-5: Interpret the Graphs of Proportional Relationships
Pre-Algebra 3-4: Describe Proportional Relationships - Constant of Proportionality
Pre-Algebra 3-2: Determine Unit Rates with Ratios of Fractions
Pre-Algebra 3-1: Connect Ratios, Rates, and Unit Rates
Pre-Algebra 2-9: Understand Scientific Notation
Pre-Algebra 2-8: Use Powers of 10 to Estimate Quantities
Pre-Algebra 2-6: Use Properties of Integer Exponents
Pre-Algebra 2-5: Solve Equations Using Square Roots and Cube Roots
Pre-Algebra 2-4: Evaluate Square Roots and Cube Roots
Pre-Algebra 2-2: Understand Irrational Numbers
Pre-Algebra 2-1: Rational Numbers as Decimals
Pre-Algebra Lesson 1-5 Day 3: Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators
Pre-Algebra Lesson 1-5 Day 2: Add and Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
Pre-Algebra 1-5 Day 1: Operations With Decimals
Pre-Algebra Lesson 1-2: Understand Rational Numbers
Pre-Algebra Lessons 1-6 and 1-8: Multiply and Divide Integers
Pre-Algebra Lesson 1-4: Subtract Integers
Pre-Algebra Lesson 1-3: Add Integers
Pre-Algebra Lesson 1-1: Relate Integers and Their Opposites